Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Audio/Visual Simulation IDIQ Contract Specifications:
Contract Number: #HU0001-15-D-E094
Contract Ceiling: $51,000,000
Minimum Order: $500.00
Contract Length: May 2015 to May 2020 (5 years)
age Code: 3BGB4
The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) AV/SIM MATOC is an IDIQ contract that can be used by the USU and any other Federal Agency to procure and acquire Audio/Visual and multi-media Simulation (AV/SIM) solutions such as:
- Support Infrastructure
- Deliverables (Supplies)
- Systems Integration
- Design and Installation / Removal
- AV Equipment and Rental
- Technical Support and Training
- Maintenance and Warranty
- Training
* There are 17 Contractors listed under the USUHS AV/SIM Contract. This contract satisfies Full and Open Competition requirements outlined in FAR Subpart 6.1.
Ordering for non-USU agencies
To initiate a request to utilize the AV/SIM MATOC, Strategic Communications will assist Contracting Officers in preparing a request for task order proposal (RFTOP), which includes the following information:
- Description of work to be completed and supplies to be delivered
- A copy of a funded requisition or statement from budget office that funding is available
- Evaluation factors that will be used for evaluating proposals received, which includes a statement regarding the importance of price, when compared to the other factors
- An independent cost estimate
- Instructions on proposal submission
- Statement whether single or multiple awards are possible
- Type of pricing requested (FFP, T&M, LH)
- Delivery Instructions
- All clearances/approvals required
- Agency’s Contract Specialist or a Contracting Officer (CO) sends Request For Information (RFI) or Market Research Request to Strategic Communications.
- Strategic will submit any questions/clarifications and their proposals to the Agency’s POC.
- Strategic will assist the Agency’s CO in preparing a Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP) and provide contact information of the AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist to Agency CO.
- The task order, at a minimum, must include all information outlined in FAR 16.505(a)(7).
- Agency’s Contracting Officer will submit RFTOP to AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist.
- AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist will provide Agency’s CO a Task Order Number.
- Agency’s CO will create the Task Order in their contract writing system, using the Contract Number and Task Order Number provided by AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist.
- Agency’s CO will submit a signed Task Order and Rationale for selection to AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist for coordination. A contracting officer from USU will review the documents and co-sign the task order.
- If a modification is needed, a request for modification will be forwarded to the administering contract specialist at USU and follow the guidance above.
To view and/or download this process in a PDF form click here
Benefits of utilizing the USUHS AV/SIM contract
Federal agencies outside of the USU can take advantage of a number of benefits when procuring Audio/Visual solutions through the USU AV/SIM MATOC. These benefits include:
Vetted contractors with proven past performance
Satisfies Full and Open Competition Requirements
No administrative fees
Streamlined procurement and delivery of A/V solutions
Guaranteed training and technical support
For more information regarding the USUHS AV/SIM Contract please contact our VAR team at sales@yourstrategic.com or call 877-379-3470