Cloud Security

Protect your Data with Strategic’s Cloud Security Services

Your data is under constant threat from internal and external sources. Even in the cloud, your data is not 100% secure. Strategic’s cloud security serves enable IT departments to gain further visibility into their cloud environment. Our cloud security services will stop malware before it reaches your network and enable secure cloud use.

Cloud Security Tools and Features

The goal of malicious cyber-attacks is to acquire access to your businesses’ sensitive data. Strategic’s cloud security services lock down sensitive data in case of a breach. Cisco Cloudlock is our weapon of choice to prevent data loss and secure your sensitive data in the cloud. It provides countless out-of-the-box policies as well as highly tunable custom policies. The Cloudlock Apps Firewall discovers and controls cloud apps connected to your corporate environment. You can see a crowd-sourced Community Trust Rating for individual apps, and you can ban or whitelist them based on risk.